Our virtual guard video monitoring service, enables your cameras to draw immediate attention to an intruder on your property, prompting us to intervene right away and notify local authorities before a crime occurs
Verify A Crime In Progress Within Seconds

There are different approaches to monitoring your surveillance video. There’s traditional video monitoring, which is the reactive approach that involves manually checking in on your cameras.
Often, business owners find themselves doing this with no specific rhyme or reason. The reactive approach creates gaps in surveillance; typically, its only effect is helping to solve crimes after the fact.
If you’re looking for a more effective approach, we recommend opting for our proactive video monitoring service instead.

Additional Features of Video Monitoring
Here are some other reasons to consider using Platinum Technologies for your afterhours business security.
- Police take video-verified threats very seriously. Response times are often faster for these prioritized calls.
- The service is more affordable than hiring live security guards, and often more reliable.
- Unlike traditional video monitoring, our proactive service connects to the dispatcher without requiring you to verify the event. This saves precious minutes.
- The service can be assigned to specific areas of your property, during the hours you determine.
We are a full-service commercial custom electronic design and integration company. Our team is comprised of world-class experts in every field whose number one priority is to provide the best products and services to our clients in Dallas County and nationwide.
You'll experience increased productivity, enhanced environments for employees and customers, and simple control of commercial automation technology.